Mission Society of the Philippines
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1175 United Nations Avenue
Paco 1007 MANILA

Phone: (63-2) 524-2977; 524-2979
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E-mail: secgen@msp.org.ph



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The MSP Philippine District held its first meeting of this year at the MSP Seminary in Tagaytay City on January 29-30, 2008. It was called by the able District Moderator of the Philippines, Fr Carmelo Horlador. The delegates included Frs Edward Edpalina, Eric Galo, Willy Borces, Cedric Alimbuyong, Rollie Detera, Pete Mesiona, Lads Oliver, Toto Dujali, Tophie Amoroso, Go Llubit, Rey Lipat, Carmelo Horlador, Mario Tejada, Jun Tacaisan, and Gerome Hernandez. There were two observers, Fr Nilo Pacuribot and Fr Soc Mesiona.

The first matter discussed was the community vision of the Philippine District. There was a sharing of life in the community from the different areas in the country. There followed a deliberation of the community vision and the subsequent approval of its formulation. On the first day, Fr Carmelo was the presider of the Holy Eucharist while Fr Pete Mesiona gave an astounding homily regarding community life.

The second day was set aside for the discussion on the working papers presented by the newly formed committees for the 2009 General Assembly, namely, the Committee on Mission, the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Community Life, the Committee on Spirituality, the Committee on Seminary and Ongoing Formation. In the explanation of the Father Moderator, Fr Soc Mesiona, these working papers were meant to stir discussions and giving this to an area, like the Philippine District, is one opportunity that each member can express his thought and opinion on matters which are important to the life of the Society. However, because of lack of time, the papers need to be discussed on the house level. Another meeting will be held on October 2008 at the MSP Seminary in Tayud, Cebu.

The Holy Eucharist presider of the second day was Fr Rey Lipat while Fr Edward Edpalina was the homilist.


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