Mission Society of the Philippines



Lk 14: 1, 7-14

ST AUGUSTINE once said, “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men (and women) as angels."  Now, this quotation has something to do with the gospel of today.

First, let us begin with reflecting on the importance of meals for Jesus. It is evident in the gospels that Jesus loves to dine with people. But eating with people is not simply an occasion for fun and enjoyment. Meals are more of fellowship. Generally speaking, Jesus uses the occasion of dining or meals for teaching. Like for instance, when the Pharisees criticized him for eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus told them that he ate with them in order to bring sinners back to God the Father. And that had silenced the Pharisees.

Second, let us reflect on the teaching of Jesus while he was invited for dinner by one of the leading Pharisees. Jesus observed the behavior of the guests. They were pushing themselves forward, rushing to get the good seats or places of honor. Jesus was disappointed by what he saw. In consequence, he made a comment on it by teaching these guests on the importance of humility.

Humility appears not to be appealing to most of us. In a corporate world, it seems there is no room for humility. Those who succeed are those people who are aggressive, those who are powerful, and those who push themselves forward. Humility then becomes associated with the weak. But we also notice that superiors appreciate subordinates who are team-players (not credit-grabbers), and who are unassuming. In this case, we can say that humility is nevertheless regarded as a value. The comments of Jesus are worth reflecting because he wants us to behave the way he wants it. God wants us to have an honest assessment of ourselves without being proud and arrogant. Before God, we must be clothed with humility and remain his humble servants.

Third, let us reflect on the words of Jesus to the host who invited him. Jesus told him, “Do not invite your friends, brothers, relatives or wealthy neighbors. Rather, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind..” The teaching appears too radical. But we need to understand it properly. In real life, we have the practice to invite our relatives and friends, because of the fact that we enjoy the company with them. We do not enjoy being with people who are unknown to us. How could we invite the people mentioned by Jesus when they have nothing to do with us?

However, inviting people for a meal or banquet is a show of our generosity. Generosity is a Christian value that we must nourish and sustain. Thus, the point of the exhortation of Jesus is simply to extend our generosity to these groups of people. We do still invite our friends and relatives, but we must be extra-generous by inviting also these people who should have a share of our kindness and generosity.

I have met a few people who have practiced the teaching of Jesus. When asked what do they feel when they invited the poor on their birthdays, they would generally say that there is a feeling of joy and fulfillment. It is a fulfillment to see that “neglected” people in the society have a share in their happiness. Thus, let us learn from this experience and let us try to do it in order to see the wisdom of the words of Jesus.


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